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Sharanas Divine Revolution

Sharanas Divine Revolution


Prof. B. Virupakshappa is a versatile writer. Though
he is a retired Professor of Chemistry, he has been a keen
student of Literature and Philosophy, especially Vachana
Literature of Sharanas. He has authored number of books
on this subject such as “Basava and his teachings”, “the
discussions of Anubhava Mantapa” and “Vijnana Dasoha”
in English and “Vishwajyothi Basavanna”, “Sharana Tatwa
Vivechane” etc. in Kannada. He is an educationist and has
served as Professor, Principal and retired as Director of
Adult Education. His “Nizama Kalada Sikshana Paddhathi”
(Education system of Nizam’s times) is a noteworthy book
on education system throughout the ages. His travelogues
on America and Australian tours have been very well re-
ceived by the readers. His “Hampeya Virupaksheshwara
Vachanagalu” is a significant contribution to modern
Vachana literature.

Being a professor of Science, he has made a com-
parative study of Science and Philosophy, particularly of
Basava and other Sharanas. The present work is his out-
standing contribution in this field highlighting the principles
underlying the total revolution carried out by Basavanna and
their relevance to solve the intricate problems of humanity
today. Moreover, the reader will find tenets of Veerashaivism
(Lingayatism) very well knit throughout this book.


  • Book specifications

    Language: English

    Author/Translator: Prof.B.Virupakshappa

    Binding: Hard Bound

    Publisher: Basava Samithi

    Publishing Date: 2001


    Total Pages: 473

    Size: 1/8th Demmy

    Weight :450 gm

बसवा समिति

समिति का मुख्य उद्देश्य बसव और अन्य शरणों के दर्शन का प्रचार और कार्यान्वयन करना है। बसव समिति वचन साहित्य के कार्यों को प्रकाशित करती है और कन्नड़ साहित्य का विभिन्न भाषाओं में अनुवाद करती है। समिति दुनिया में बसव और अन्य दर्शन के दर्शन का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन भी करती है।

कर राहत

बसवा समिति एक गैर-लाभकारी, कर-मुक्त, धर्मार्थ और सामाजिक-आध्यात्मिक संस्था है (भारत कर छूट PRO718/10A/VOL.A-1/B-399 दिनांक 15-11-1976) , संरक्षण, संरक्षण के लिए समर्पित, और विश्वगुरु बसवन्ना और उनके समकालीनों द्वारा चित्रित जीवन शैली का प्रचार।

आयकर छूट  धारा 80G(5)(Vi), आयकर के तहत  अधिनियम 1961

हमारी मेलिंग सूची में शामिल हो जाएं

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